The joy of cooking for your family is priceless!!! For everything
else, there is a Master/Visa card.
I am an individual, who hasn't been too passionate about cooking from
a very young age. It has been more a chore, the-duty-of-a-good-wife, rather
than a passion. Perhaps the aversion to cooking came from watching my mother –
a working woman then (she is now 75 years), spend all her spare time in the
kitchen without any help, motivation, or acknowledgement day after day, which
only triggered more frustration and intense moodiness.
As I blossomed into a young woman, she started to prep me with the
culinary skills that she had developed over the years by watching numerous
Sanjeev Kapoor's Khana Khazana cooking shows and recipes shared from family
and friends all compiled into that one book she wrote for me as part of my
wedding present. I took utmost
pleasure in trying out all her recipes as a new bride; Oh how I treasure that
book even now! It is filled with some very unique recipes, tons of advice and a
heart full of blessings.
After almost 11 years of blissful marriage and two kids, I think I can
say, I have made my mother proud by being a good cook. How do I know? I rarely
take a peek at the recipe book now for ingredients and I cook some fantastic meals-Ask
my hubby dear. I must confess, the book did go through some serious brutality
of cooking catastrophes during this phase. It has sat on hot stove-rack leaving
its imprint on the page, but it is still very close to my heart; after all, my mother wrote it for me -A gift, a legacy that
she passed on to me.